Swiss Hot Chocolate Tea
There’s nothing quite like cozying up under some blankets by a warm fire and watching romantic comedies while it snows outside, drinking some nice hot cocoa…at least, there wasn’t anything like it until now! Tea fans rejoice – it’s chocolate’s time to shine. When you sip this Swiss Hot Chocolate Tea, you’ll hardly even notice you’re drinking tea; the flavor is remarkably reminiscent of good old hot chocolate. Marshmallows, romantic comedies, and snowy weather not included.
Luxury Ingredients:
Black tea, Cocoa, Chamomile petals.
Holistic Properties:
Black tea: Tea made from oxidized green tea leaves, the most popular form of tea in the West today. Black tea not only sharpens your mind and keeps you awake, but it also has various health benefits. This may include reducing your chances of getting atherosclerosis, diabetes, kidney stones, and ovarian cancer.
Cocoa: When people think “chocolate”, which is made from cocoa, people generally think “unhealthy”. This is not so for cocoa! Cocoa has been hailed as such a precious bean throughout time that it’s been hailed as the “food of the gods.” If you think tea has a good number of antioxidants, cocoa trounces even that. Cocoa can even help control the sugar problems of diabetics. No, we are not kidding.
Chamomile petals: Chamomile tea is a very well-known herbal tea. It provides a calming feeling, but it also helps control diabetic issues. Try drinking chamomile tea to fight stomach problems as well! This tea isn’t full-on chamomile tea, but there is a touch of chamomile in the tea by including some of its petals. Be cautious drinking if pregnant – chamomile tea raises the chances of a miscarriage.
Other Info:
Location: This tea hails from Sri Lanka, from the Nuwara Eliya, Dimbula, and Uva regions.
Antioxidant Level: High
Caffeine Content: Medium
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